Saturday, 26 October 2013

Research:Film Classification - 'U' Certificate

When a new film is released, it undergoes a process known as film classification; this gives the audiences an idea of the sort of audience that is recommended for the film. In Britain, films are classified by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC). In the following series of posts I will go through each of the ratings and talk about what makes a film that rating, and what sort of audience it would attract.

This is the lowest film classification; it stands for 'Universal' - a universal audience. This means that anyone can watch it, however they tend to be aimed for a very young audience. A lot of U rated films are animations and almost all of them are aimed at children.This film classification is very much for family films.

Consumer Advice
All ages admitted, there is nothing unsuitable for children.

The Smurfs 2

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